Sunday 9 May 2010

Love, in the words of Alexander J. Allison

love, saskia
is not a sustained state of perpetual cloud walking, wine swilling, word churning glee,
it is in moments that make everything worth while
it is the faith in goodness that keeps the dark from being scary.

it's catalysed by trust in another,
and through that person you gain value and affirmation
what you're really afflicted by is a very valid concern that you lack a direction
and you can't find meaning or value in your current course of actions
that isn't remedied by positive thinking or self pity,
but will come in a revelation,
likely to be beyond your control.

Saturday 8 May 2010

two lines

Because of your heart,
I can now no longer think.

Friday 7 May 2010

La Valse de Vie

Spinning like a carousel
the rhythm never ceases,
like a metronome,
singing to itself
Its lull enchanting,
we get swept along,
But when does it stop?
Never ending,
Always turning,
dizzy we lie in fields of daisies,
trying to slow down,
to find solace,
And then like a flick of a switch,
Memento Mori.

Thursday 6 May 2010

I know a boy

This one is for Joseph Brugmans

I know a boy,
all radient with beauty.
The ashen smoke of cigarettes create a glow,
all hope of a future bright.
He stands tall,
all memories don't stand as a testimony.
Stronger than ever before,
A glint of his eye,
the slight pout of those lips.
A spell is cast over all he meets,
a trail of love wherever he goes.
Don't forget yourself,
Don't forget yourself.
Don't forget.

I met a boy

I met a boy
all smiling faces, layered faces
does one dare to delve?
Taken with a pinch of salt,
this giddy journey- but what for?
Was that ment for me?
A tumbling cascade of thoughts,
miss leading, Miss guided,
Book club
Tender to the touch
A changed passion
I want your glasses,
I want your heart.